Saturday, October 28, 2006

Next Trip - Geneva

We leave Tuesday for Geneva. There are three of us this time -- Coby (my colleague that went with me to Colombia) and Herve (my colleague that went with me to Mexico). Interesting dynamics -- Coby and Herve have worked together for a few years and I am new to the team, but we all get along pretty well. Coby & Herve are big fans of gansta rap -- which included reminders sent to each other to bring MP3 players so that for our long weekend trips that we would have something to listen to in the car... So don't be surprised if I come back all "thug" or whatever the kids are calling it these days.

This is going to be a pretty different trip in that for all the other countries, the American dollar went a pretty long way. I understand that in Geneva, everything is expensive. So while I may not be able to buy anything personally, I figure that I will drown my sorrows in expense reimbursable fondue. Not too shabby.

More later on the trip I guess... From a planning perspective, it is actually warmer there than here. More sweaters, less shirts I assume. We have to go through Newark where my only real experience was arriving on a late flight connecting to Boston where all of the restaurants had closed and we were forced to bribe the guy to be able to eat the shrimp out of the display case. (We later arrived in Boston at 2 and they had closed the main road to our hotel for construction -- we eventually arrived at the hotel at 3 and had an 8a.m. presentation.)

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Nicole was gracious enough to add pictures to our Flickr page (I am not sure that I have the patience) -- but there are a few hundred pictures there if you want to see the sites. I may even eventually spend a month and get captions going so that you know where/what they are... ;-)

Link to the left.