Sunday, January 14, 2007

40 Degree Drop

It has been a little while since my last little notes -- but I miss writing this little blog. Or at least I miss the imaginations that people are laughing at my little adventures. As always, my goal is simply to bring joy to the people -- even if it IS always about me.

My next trip is to visit a friend in Ottawa. Now you should know that he his a friend because I am headed into the Arctic in the middle of the freakin' winter to see the guy. Last check, it was 40 degrees colder there than here.

He used to live in Lexington, but started a company with two of my other colleagues ( This originally was going to be just me -- but the other two guys are going to go as well. We intend to experience the real Canada -- the hocky, the curling and the funny little thing called poutine.

Poutine, as I understand is cheese fries and gravy ( Now, I should say that one of my New Year's resolutions involved weight loss as I weigh about 50% more than I did when I graduated college. Oddly, this menu item actually shows up in Weight Watchers.

In the same conversation where my friend was complaining that the canal was not completely frozen over, he asked that I bring my swim suit and a pair of sandles. I must say that I have watched way too many Road Runner/Coyote cartoons to fall for that one. I can only hope that he means that the walk to the indoor hot springs requires footwear.

Also, oddly enough, it seems that the most direct route from Cincinnati to Ottawa is through Atlanta. I really need to find someone in air traffic control.